, So we do have a filing system of sorts". Nourished by constant interventions, the files are then used to keep the political networks alive by sending out greeting cards, the Lettre du député and the deputy's activity reports, press cuttings, invitations to various manifestations (cultural, sportive, festive, etc.), and meetings, We have to ask the person responsible for the borough, systematically, because that's how it works. There are borough chiefs and 10 boroughs, you know

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, Friends of Deputy So-and-So") bearing their name, first name and/or the territorial base of their legislative district. 17 These associations generally dispose of their own mailbox in the parliamentarian's office and are run by collaborators who manage the various intervention "files". 18 All these files -of interventions, of the Friends of the Deputy's Association, of members of the political party to which he/she "belongs" -are thus often managed by the same individual, Every initiative is publicized and must add to the deputy's fame

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