&. Rot and . Vatin, This text, which was perhaps written by Queneau himself, follows the outline of the poem and seems to be a lifeless translation of it. 17. Testimony of Professor François Thomas, Cogent Arts & Humanities, vol.4, 2017.

, Queneau wrote down specific references to these works, 1954.

. Fournier, , 1951.

, Les Francs Bibliophiles, 1954.

, Personalized communication in company magazines. 21. Interview with Reynold Arnoud in Jardin des Arts, pp.51-55, 1959.

, André Malraux, Verbatim, 1959.

, This painting, along with six others from the 1959 exhibit, is part of the collection of the Musée des beauxarts in Rouen. On this topic, see Rot and Vatin, 2017.

, See My American Uncle, Je t'aime, je t'aime, as well as his interest in Arthur Koestler

, He was principal editor for the Pléiade encyclopedia

, He had already asked Chris Marker and Rémo Forlani, see Rot, 2007.

, Queneau systematically noted his readings in his personal diary, p.1119, 1996.

, Regarding Laffite's book, see Vidler, 1999.

, Queneau shared with these thinkers, and also with André Leroi-Gourhan, his journal, p.321, 1936.

F. Lafitte, Queneau especially borrows his "mechanological" typology

, Queneau and Naville met in 1924 in classrooms at the Sorbonne, where they were both working on a BA in philosophy. Naville was then the head of La Révolution Surréaliste, and he brought Queneau into contact with this literary movement

, Pierre Naville Archives, Musée social

, Naville does not cite Lafitte, but his reading notes in his archives show that he read this work attentively

, The new tetrachloroethylene workshop, at night, shows the most beautiful side of petrochemistry. With a slight manipulation of the photographic apparatus, the film records a veritable fireworks display" (Bulletin Péchiney, op. cit., p. 5). This photographer was also solicited by Gaz-de-France to photograph its Alfortville plant, The photographer John Craven took photos last April in our Gardanne and Saint-Auban factories

, According to a conversation between Alain Resnais and Prof

P. Condroyer, Fleurs de feu by Francis Bouchet (1960) (on glass manufacturing at SaintGobain), and Diamètres by Philippe Condroyer (1961) as "three essays of industrial imagery which, through their reflection on the wealth of this subject, have made this theme one of the major preoccupations of the contemporary visual arts, p.217, 1958.

, It was used for the first time in France by Georges Rouquier for medical films in 1951, then for his feature film Love in a Hot Climate, 1949.

, According to the document on the timed sequencing of the film

, Alain Resnais à la question, p.58, 1960.

, Account by Reynold Arnoud, Jardin des Arts, vol.61, pp.51-55, 1959.

D. Guy, Une peinture embellissante, 1959.

G. Limbour, La machine et la peinture, Les Lettres Nouvelles, N, vol.28, 1959.

, Cette couleuvre nouée en python. éclat de corset aluminé étamine. lacis où circule une vie froide. soudain brûlis fusant que nulle autre n'y peut rien. Intelligence thermique. Aux pesanteurs abstraites de la terre. commandement de l'araignée écartelée aux orients du lattis. O fuel de l'espérance. comme les gestes de tes mains liquides me poursuivent au fond des rêves dépétrifiés de ton circuit ! L'annonce des entrailles au volcan distillé en saintes huiles, French: Entrailles virides surgies du plan. A l'air libre intestins rigides

R. Q. Sequencing and . Archives,

, This is the site where Roger Vaillant (1955) set his novel, 325 000 francs, which tells the story of a factory worker in a plastics plant, 1955.

, Quelque peu explosif, et non pas inodore. Et regardez-le bien; c'est la seule occasion. Pour vous d'apercevoir ce qui est en question, French: Le styrène n'était qu'un liquide incolore

, Malle's camera associates the gestures shown with a contemplation of the bodies and faces of the operators, thus making the people firmly present, despite, and, to some degree, because of the apparently automatic nature of this activity, We might compare this representation of the work of machine operators with that found in Humain, trop humain by Louis Malle, 1972.

. In-alain-resnais, Sacha Vierny ou l'élégance, p.44, 2001.

, The close-up of the face does not make it possible, however, to identify the character's profession

V. Rot, This research and our conclusions join those of Blauner, 1964.

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, Alain Resnais in "Voix off

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