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, Author Biographies

, His research focuses on political competition, political institutions and law-making. He co-edited The French Fifth Republic at Fifty. Beyond Stereotypes, Sylvain Brouard is Senior Research Fellow FNSP at CEVIPOF, Sciences Po, 2008.

, Emiliano Grossman is Associate Professor at Sciences Po, Centre d'études européennes. He specializes on agenda-setting processes, media and politics and political institutions. He has recently co-edited the Oxford Handbook of French Politics. He is the co-editor of the, European Journal of Political Research

, at the Centre Emile Durkheim at Sciences Po Bordeaux. Her research interests concern the links between politics and policy. She has published various articles, among others the, British Journal of Political Science

, He authored several articles and book chapters on the impact of parties on policies, party system change, parties' politicization of new issues, and the environmental movement. His works are published in the Journal of Election, Public Opinion and Parties, the French Political Science Review

, Caterina's research interests are broadly in European politics and political sociology, with a special emphasis on political parties, agenda-setting dynamics, right-wing extremism