, Lutte contre le gaspillage alimentaire: propositions pour une politique publique, Mission Parlementaire menée par Guillaume Garot, 2015.

, Translation and distillation by the author

, This regulation is part of the Environmental Code (article R 543-225) and targets entities (excluding households) producing more than 10 tonnes per

, the government would also study costs and benefits associated with the alternative treatment of organic waste through garbage disposals and wastewater treatment, By, 2017.

, Je ne jette plus" carries a positive connotation about not throwing things out anymore

, is granted a given period-a share of the marketable life of the product-to sell the product after its delivery. If the delivery is delayed, the retailer can reject the product even if there would still be time to sell it. The proposal aims at changing the way periods are set up so that products' lives (from production to expiration date) would be better

, EU regulation 1169/2011, Parliament and Council, 2011.

, Such mechanism has existed for milk since 2014 and could be developed for other products such as jam or juice made of donated fruit

, Agence de l'environnement et de la maîtrise de l'énergie (ADEME-Agency of the Environment and Energy Management) 10 WRAP has a £65-£80 million ($122-$126 million) annual budget for four main priorities

, has developed a protocol to measure food waste as part of efforts to significantly reduce such waste for a more resource-efficient Europe. 12 "Large corporations" are defined as publicly traded corporations and companies with more than 500 workers or a balance sheet above ?100 million euros, Europe, a project called FUSIONS (Food Use for Social Innovation by Optimising Waste Prevention Strategies), which runs from, 2012.

, In France, municipalities (regions, cities, etc.) commit to a Waste Prevention Plan under the supervision of the Ministry of the Environment and a food program under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture