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, She is Head of the Doctoral School Abbé-Grégoire. Her research topics include the development and implementation of management control systems and practices, performance management and measurement systems, Stéphanie Chatelain-Ponroy is Professor at Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (Cnam, Paris) and a member of LIRSA research unit (EA4603)

, Her research interests cover the study of universities governance internationally, the implementation of reforms in higher education, the genesis and effects of university rankings. She has published her work in more than 30 book chapters or academic journals, including Higher Education, European Journal of Education, and Terrains & Travaux

, and a member of the Centre de Sociologie des Organisations, a Sciences Po and CNRS research unit. She leads comparative studies on university governance, public policies in higher education, research, and academic labour markets. She is the author of The Long March of French Universities (Routledge, 2004) the Market for Academics, 2017.

, Samuel Sponem is Associate Professor at HEC Montreal and Chairholder of the International CPA Chair for Research in Management Control, Politiques & Management Public, and Accounting History Review. Appendix, vol.1

. P_fees, are you in favor of an increase in tuition fees? (RC) P_Resources. In view of your university's available resources, are you in favor of an increase in the proportion of funding from private entities? (RC) P_Eco. Economic leaders should be more involved in university governance, view of your university's available resources

. P_dir-;-andersen, What do you think of the proposal for regular CNU assessment of faculty members' teaching performance in recent or future reforms*? Perf_CnuResearch. What do you think of the proposal for regular CNU assessment of faculty research in recent or future reforms? Perf_Alloc. In view of your university's financial resources, should performance be a more important factor in the Ministry's allocation of university funding? Perf_LRU. Is assessment of faculty members under the LRU law beneficial because it promotes competition between them? Resources PL_Fin_Resources. Relative to other departments, is yours successful in obtaining resources? PLab_Fin_Resources. Relative to other centers/laboratories, is yours successful in obtaining resources? Reputation/status PL_OpE_Quali. Relative to other departments, do the degrees (or other qualifications) issued by your department have a good reputation? PL_OpE_Qualit. Relative to other departments, does your department deliver high-quality degrees (or other qualifications)? PLab_OpR_Publi. Relative to other centers/laboratories, does your research team publish a lot? PLab_OpR_Reput. Relative to other centers/laboratories, does your research team have a strong scientific reputation? PL_Op_Reput Relative to other departments, does your department have a strong scientific reputation? *The CNU (Comité National des Universités) is a national committee in charge of faculty recruitment and career promotion. Every candidate for a permanent academic position (associate or full professor) must apply to the CNU before applying for positions offered by institutions. Based on examination of the scholars' publications and academic record, the CNU decides whether candidates are "qualified" to apply for academic jobs, ) P_Nat. Public sector human resources should be managed by the State. Commitment to performance-based management Perf_Aeres, 2004.