, Concerning the distinction between abstention "outside the political game" and abstention "inside the political game" see Jérôme Jaffré, Anne Muxel, On the relevance of the distinction between sociological abstention and political abstention see Alain Lancelot, L'abstentionnisme électoral en France, pp.43-55, 1997.

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, | Anne Muxel Document téléchargé depuis www.cairn.info-Institut d'Etudes

, For an overview of recent analyses within French electoral sociology, see the following works: Bruno Cautrès, Anne Muxel (eds) Comment les électeurs font-ils leur choix? Le Panel électoral français, English under the title The New Voter: France and Beyond, 2007.

P. Lehingue and L. Vote, Approches sociologiques de l'institution et des comportements électoraux, 2011.

N. Mayer, Sociologie des comportements politiques, 2009.

, The puzzle of political participation in America, The New American Political System, pp.287-324, 1978.

, On this point, see M. Franklin, Voter turnout

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