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, And thus goes beyond mere "statements of causality", "correlations", or "propensities", without, nonetheless, claiming to pinpoint laws, as one can never know ex ante which mechanism will come into play, Cf. Jon Elster, Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences, pp.3-4, 1989.

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, I had to obtain his mother's permission to conduct an interview, as she was afraid that this would "awaken his old demons

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, 11h13. © Presses de Sciences Po 1. The IJT, the student union branch of the Jamaat-i-Islami Pakistan (an Islamic party based in Lahore), operates as a sort of morality police in public universities and recruits for Jihadist groups. The TJ is a Deobandi pietist and missionary movement. The SSP, of the same denomination, Document downloaded from www.cairn-int.info-Institut d'Etudes Politiques

, Abu Mujahid told me that it was the first time he had the chance to speak to a "Westerner

P. Ansart, Les idéologies politiques, p.13, 1974.

F. Devji, The Terrorist, vol.6

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P. Gottraux, Le désengagement militant, 11. 2. Testimonies from the "martyrs" of another Jihadist militia, the Hizb-ul-Mujahidin, reveal that these individuals were often socialized to violence very early on while fighting in Afghanistan or during fights between the IJT and rival groups on university campuses

P. Swami, A journey into the Lashkar, The Hindu, 2008.

, On the role of "fun" in political violence in Pakistan, see Oskar Verkaaik, Migrants and Militants. Fun and Urban Violence in Pakistan, 2004.

|. Vol, Which seems not to be the case of Indian Kashmiri recruits based in refugee camps in AJK. On this, see: Cabeiri deBergh Robinson, Body of Victim, Body of Warrior: Refugee Families and the Making of Kashmiri Jihadists, vol.61, 2012.

, For example, once all grouped together, the pilots all had to put one foot forward; this unanimity was frighteningly effective, as it became unthinkable to try and protect one's own life when fellow pilots were all willing to offer theirs (E. Ohnuki-Tierney, Kamikaze, 169). In other cases, the names of undecided pilots were automatically put on the list

, Otherwise, it is impossible to explain how villagers who quit school at age ten could express themselves in the sophisticated Urdu used in these testaments

A. , Some read like spoofs in a humor magazine, especially stories about bears, cats, and monkeys helping the mujahidin. The more glamorous yarns could put some Bollywood scriptwriters out of business, vol.289

E. Ohnuki-tierney, , p.3

, Signifying simply "a strenuous effort directed towards a conscious goal", whether this objective is military (offensive or defensive, the latter being more commonly used in the Quran) or strictly personal, in this case seeking moral perfection by fighting against the nafs (the "self

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, 11h13. © Presses de Sciences Po 1. A manipulation that is entirely accepted by a number of army officers in charge of Jihadist groups; see Amélie Blom, Christian Morel, Les décisions absurdes. Sociologie des erreurs radicales et persistantes (Paris: Gallimard, p.304, 2002.

A. Mohammad-arif, De l'auto-radicalisation idéologique à la violence 'auto-sacrificielle

C. Morel, Les décisions absurdes, p.100

, Either I will be a ghazi or I will be a martyr, The ambiguity of goals is likewise striking when reading the testaments of recruits

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