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T. Gap, , p.41

, Etudes Politiques de Paris- 13h13. © Presses de Sciences Po gap may thus be caused by the appeal of the Front National's social repositioning

R. Sénac and M. Parodi,

, Her publications include: L'ordre sexué. La perception des inégalités femmes-hommes (Paris: PUF, 2007); (with Pierre Muller) Genre et action publique: la frontière public-privé en questions (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009); and L'invention de la diversité, Réjane Sénac is a CNRS Research Fellow at Sciences Po's Centre de recherches politiques (Cevipof) and is a member of Presage, p.PUF, 2012.

, Michel Forsé) La priorité du juste. Éléments pour une sociologie des choix moraux, Maxime Parodi is a Research Fellow at Sciences Po (OFCE) and is the author La modernité manquée du structuralisme, p.PUF, 2004.

, We would like to thank all those who helped with the writing of this article, in particular the members of the Cevipof's electoral seminar coordinated by Daniel Boy and Bruno Cautrès, with a special mention for Flora Chanvril and Jean Chiche for their invaluable help. Our thanks also go out to Hélène Périvier, Françoise Milewski

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