B. Latour, Reassembling the Social. An Introduction to Actor- Network Theory, 2005.

P. Sloterdijk, I. Sph?ren, and . Sch?ume, Suhrkamp, 2004) [partial translation:ÊPeter Sloterdi jk, Terror from the Air Semiotext(e), 2009)]; see also Peter Sloterdijk, ÒForeword to the Theory of Spheres,ÓÊin Cosmograms, 2005.

Ê. Gilles-deleuze and F. Guattari, What Is Philosophy?, trans, 1996.

Ê. Canales, A Tenth of a Second: A History, 2009.
DOI : 10.7208/chicago/9780226093208.001.0001

Ê. See and H. , sciences-po.fr/ fr.php?item.1, and http

B. Latour, ÒSteps Toward the Writing of a Compositionist Manifesto, 471Ð490. e-flux journal #23 Ñ march 2011 Ê Bruno Latour Some Experiments in Art and Politics 07, p.7, 2010.