I. Stengers-teaches-philosophy-in-brussels, Only a small part of her works is available in English: Power and Invention, The Invention of Modern Science, trans. Daniel W. Smith, 1997.

B. Bensaude, -. Vincent, and I. Stengers, A Critique of Psychoanalytic Reason: Hypnosis as a Scientific Problem from Lavoisier to Lacan I have attempted to present Stengers's epistemological principle in " How to Talk About the Body? The Normative Dimension of Science Studies, Part 3: Body Collective of " Bodies on Trial, pp.2-3, 1992.

G. Tarde, one of the (forgotten) founders of sociology, and, like Whitehead, a decisive influence on Deleuze, called " societies " what is called here " organisms, " but with very much the same argument. Witness his slogan " Exister c'est différer, See his Monadologie et Sociologie, réédition, 1999.

G. Tarde, Social Laws: An Outline of Sociology (1899), trans, 2000.